Multipart e-mail courses can be more powerful than online articles and e-zines because customers
give you permission to contact them repeatedly in a concentrated period of time. If you deliver highquality
content in your follow-up mailings, you have a real opportunity to embed your brand image

When setting up the individual messages of your course, keep these five points in mind and
you’re sure to score more points with your students.
1. Use Consistent Subject Headings
If your first lesson carries the subject line “Search Engine Ranking Tactics: Day One,” don’t use
“More Search Engine Tactics” for the second lesson. Be consistent and use “Search Engine Ranking
Tactics: Day Two.” Readers will recognize your course much more easily when the lessons are
consistently labeled.
2. Start with a Short Reminder Notice
At the top of each e-mail message, tell recipients why they are receiving it. Especially if your
segments are delivered days apart, this notice will remind people that they requested multiple
mailings from you. Believe it or not, some people will forget and accuse you of sending spam. A
simple notice like this should do: “This message is part of the five-step Hula dancing course you
recently signed up for. Enjoy!”
3. Include Your Course’s Title and an Author Byline
Reinforce the name of the course and what the reader is about to absorb. Using the same wording
that’s used in the subject line would be ideal. Right below the lesson title, put an attribution like “by
Fred Jones—The Geometry Geek” or “by Penny Smith, author of 50 Ways to Cheat Your Lover.”
In other words, get brand identity established early in each message.
4. End with a Teaser for the Next Lesson
Always conclude your lessons with a line such as, “Tomorrow, I’ll reveal the five things the IRS
doesn’t want you to know about medical deductions. See you then.” Create some excitement and
give your readers another reason to look forward to the next segment of your course.
5. Include a Final Brand-Building Blurb
Use the end of your message to once again squeeze in a brand-related message. For instance, I might
include a final blurb that reads, “Brought to you compliments of Bob Baker and The Buzz Factor.
For more resources, tips, and tools on how to promote your band or record label, visit Have a question about today’s lesson? Send Bob an e-mail:”


  1. Imran r // December 5, 2015 at 6:52 PM  

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pliss dont spam